Life with a tri-pawed


03/25/2015  Aah, just yanked my bra out of my tank top before I started this post, what a fabulous feeling!! Not sure why I waited so long to be rid of it. My house is sometimes decorated with bras. One hung on the back of the kitchen chair, one on a bar stool,  one on the bedroom door knob. You just never know!! Set those boobs free!

I went to Cattleya on Wednesday to help Cynthia do an art project. There were only a few kids there that day. Niki’s mom and sister Emily were there, Cynthia had a helper for Angel and I worked with Loren, which is a pretty sweet gig because he does his own thing. The kids made Easter baskets out of brown paper bags that Cynthia had cut out into bunny shape.

Making Easter baskets
Once completed they were hung on the wall. Today they are filling them with grass and coloring eggs.
Me in the back corner cutting out bunny ears.

It was fun helping there, I really enjoy it. I’m going to try to go to a Zumba class with them today, not sure I’ll make it with so much to do, but it’s on my list of things to do with the kids! Here is their video from last week: Cattleya Zumba   (click on Cattleya Zumba)

We have been sick. I mean down sick, in bed sick, cough until your head feels like it will explode, vise like grips on my forehead sick. Bill had aches and pains, had to rest after climbing steps, he was coughing but not as bad as I was. We felt feverish, totally worn out. This all hit at the start of our last five days before company comes while we were trying to put the downstairs together again. Friday it snuck up on us and by Friday night we were down. Saturday I barely moved except when I coughed. I ate nothing, drank gallons of water and slept. Bill was totally fried. Nothing got done on Saturday. Sunday I forced myself to start cleaning, did lots of laundry, made beds with fresh sheets, washed dishes and prodded Bill to get his stuff put away. I kept laying down in between tasks.

Monday I had to take my car in early to get my new tires then I had two girls coming to clean!! They only worked about three hours and Bill took them home with their pay and a big bag of clothes I didn’t want. I was not happy with the job they were doing and just wanted them to go. I re-scrubbed the floors Tuesday morning with my steam cleaner and re-did some of the things they did sloppily. My girl is usually real thorough, maybe it was because she had someone with her. Whatever! I paid the two of them for three hours $15.00 less than what I paid my gal back in Washington for ONE hour. She wasn’t all that great either. Obviously my Type A personality is a hindrance.

Bedroom on left. White board behind shelves is for kinder in the valley. Bill will get that finished this weekend.
Key holder from Umbul Umbul, have I mentioned how much I LOVE that store? I’m taking the girls there tomorrow as soon as I pick them up at the airport.
Good patio set is nowhere near Lola.
From bedroom looking out to living room. I LOVE the colors.
Back bedroom, still need some more art in here, I’ll find stuff eventually.
Soothing turquoise!

After I was done (re) cleaning on Tuesday I took a shower and went to a doctor for an acupuncture treatment. My neck was not getting better after five physiotherapy treatments, I needed magic. And I found it!! Dr. Fabian Vallejo can stick needles in me anytime. I had no idea what to expect, he did not tell me anything except to lay on my stomach. He swabbed points on my skin with something, jabbed me and hammered the needle in. Hammer is an exaggeration, I barely felt it, such a light feeling. If I didn’t space out and count wrong I believe there were 15 in me; in my heels, ankles, outside of my fist, elbows, neck and shoulders. His next words were, RELAX. And he left the room. Then something really funny happened. A lady came in and started telling him she needed antidepressants. They were talking back and forth, I could barely hear them sometimes and other times I thought they were in my room. He told her she didn’t need them. She responded, “when I ride my scooter and hit pot holes it makes me angry, I am depressed, I need antidepressants.” He told her to drink more water. She said “I don’t want to drink water and you said I can’t have ice cream.” He told her again, no antidepressants. Damn, I hope I wasn’t imagining that because it was so bizarre!

Soon he came back in and took the needles out of my skin. He said he was giving me an injection for the tendonitis and inflammation. I said, can you cure my cough? He asked me about it, what I was taking, how long I was sick. He injected me in my lower back and several places around my neck. He said, OK. I asked if we were done and he said yes. I got up to walk out and immediately noticed a difference in my neck. Immediate! He had a handful of medicines in packages. He said take one of each every eight hours and I’ll see you next week. Duh, OK! I’m actually going to talk to him about my knee, I bet he can help with that too!

I went to the grocery store to stock up and they had no black tea, no cilantro, no decent red peppers, no avocados, no LaChoy Rice noodles and get this, NO SWISS CHEESE, maybe Friday. This was Tuesday. I made pasta salad (using packaged cheese not deli) and hard boiled some eggs, need avocado and cilantro to devil them. So, that’s been my last few fun filled days! My neighbors just told me there are no chicken breasts to be found either. Life in a third world country.

Two weeks have passed since I snatched and grabbed Frito from the school in barrio Los Fuertes. She has been to the mainland, had her leg removed and back. The incision looks great, she has been scratching it a lot lately, healing always itches. We keep catching her down in the grass with wild child Lola. Frito is on her belly, one front leg pulling her across the yard, reveling in the grass on her tummy. Doesn’t do shit for the bandage though. That’s been the only pain part of dealing with this, the bandage. Compared to what she has had to deal with, it’s not worth complaining about. She never fusses or growls when we clean her incision, just lays there and allows us to do whatever. She can go up and down the steps but sometimes she wants carried. She has never had an accident in the house, in my car, on her crate or on the porch. She makes Lola look like a real piece of crap. Yes, Lola still pees. I’m contemplating having her sewn shut, depriving her of water didn’t work.

Highway is so abused by Lola
What a pair!
Yes, that’s my new table, she thinks it’s her bed. My porch always has about 20 dog toys all over it and everything is covered in dog hair. And I actually ordered more toys that my friends are bringing down,
Frito sleeping in the kitchen
Craig and Cleo (her leg is in the air) brought Oso over for a play date. Lola ADORES him and wears him out.
I would keep this little guy!
One of the sick nights, Kleenex and juice and water and pills on the nightstand and a 3 legged dog in my bed snuggling. Ignore the ugly bedspread, my friend Rebecca is an uber quilter and made me a quilt top out of Batik, very anxious to get it down here when Teri B comes.
3 pack
Handsome lover boy Lucky
Her Highness, Emmy
She graced us with her presence but soon decided the mutts were not at her intelligence level and returned to her inside domain.

I fully intended this to be a quick post but forgot I am long winded. I’ve been asleep really early the past four nights, last night I had full blown INSOMNIA!! I wonder why I am so wound up? Must be excitement!!

Today Frito got her stitches out, and got her vaccines, she is good for a year. Doc had a big smile on his face when he saw her. We were worried that she may be pregnant but he said she’s just GORDO, FAT!! Going to have to monitor that because of her missing a leg, weight can be detrimental,  just like it is to humans.

My rum cake just came out of the oven, waiting to glaze it. Going to run a few errands soon before Oso comes for his play date. This will be my last post until after the second of April, friends arrive tomorrow for a week and we are going to be busy girls. Plan to go on a boat trip snorkeling in the Pigeon Cays, a Pirate Party at a friends, a day at West Bay beach before the Semana Santa crowd arrives, probably a day at Little French Key and then we’ll stay down east, away from the freaking crazy insanity of this next coming week. Easter week is the busiest week on the island! UGH!

Pigeon Cay, photo courtesy of Bay Island Airways
Photo courtesy of Ruthless Roatan Charters

I haven’t seen Cis and Cheryl for 25 years and am so touched that they are actually coming to see ME! I can’t wait!

And 4 makes a pack



You can listen to the world’s most appropriate song for my life today here.

I have had several “off” days this past week, actually more off than on. My arm and neck are killing me, I’m trying to get ready for company, Lola is peeing all over the porch and I’m stressed about Frito. In my book, that’s enough to be stressed about and it’s causing me all kinds of neck, shoulder, arm and brain grief.

Galaxy Wave terminal
Poor little Frito

We were fortunate that the vet in Ceiba let us know Frito made it there OK and he was taking her to the clinic.


On Wednesday after we put Frito on the Galaxy Wave ferry I went to Umbul Umbul to see what new things Dian got in. I didn’t even make it past the entrance before I picked up a wooden carrier for downstairs and many other things in the hour I was there. Damn, I LOVE that store.

This carrier was right inside the front door, I had to have it, along with the turtle bedspread.
Another basket to match 1 I already have

After I left there I went to Serrano’s in search of a tension curtain rod for the bodega (i.e. Bills area.) Think concrete walls and that will explain the tension rod, I can hang it myself., no hammer drills needed. Then I had a Physiotherapy appointment. After he worked on me I was in more pain than when I got there. He taped me and sent me home.

Thursday Bill worked at our house with a few guys from Canada making 6 huge whiteboards for the school in Camp Bay.


Hopefully the teacher won’t glue stuff to these like she did the walls.

Brian’s wife Addy and her friend Nancy were doing the shoe drive. I should have been too but I lost my motivation when Frito happened. In one week 5306 pair of shoes were delivered and fitted. I worked hard the 2 days I did it and they were well covered with enough volunteers from the mainland the rest of the week. Although I still feel like a slacker. I try to remind myself, I can’t do it all.

The 6 of us had planned to go out to eat that night. I was going to pick up Addy and Nancy in French Harbor. Turns out I had to go to Coxen Hole to get them. We finally met up at a school by the cruise ship dock, I picked them up and turned around and headed back here. The ladies washed up and we took 2 cars to Cal’s. The dinner was fabulous as always, never been disappointed in the food or the atmosphere there. They were getting a taxi back to West End because it is a 45 minute drive ONE WAY for us.

Friday and Saturday we had Alexi here working with us again. He did the window tracks, cleaned the screens, fans, door mats and a variety of other things. I got a lot done upstairs and the downstairs is coming together quite nicely. Bill needs to spend a half day organizing the inside bodega so he can get the rest of the tools out of the house and I can get my cleaning gal to come in and work her magic.

Saturday morning found Nancy and I back at Umbul Umbul. If only my car didn’t drive there like it was on auto-pilot I wouldn’t shop so much.

These will be a bedspread, they match even though they don’t look like they do.

We shopped for another hour and I found some more awesome stuff for downstairs and a cool caftan for me. On the way home we stopped back at our house, I threw on my swim suit, dropped Nancy and her funky coffee table sized fish off at her house and I went out to Llyn’s in Punta Blanca.

Llyn and I had a glass of wine and sat by the pool, on the porch and in the pool and chatted for a few hours. I got to see how Wendy and Andrew’s home is coming along and oh my gawd, it’s going to be fabulous!

Isn’t it awful to have a view like this??
View from Wendy’s deck

By the time I got home I was ready for a nap. Sun and wine do that to me. If I remember correctly we had chips and home made salsa for dinner. Sunday we broke down and went to the grocery store. It was a gorgeous day with a nice breeze. Once I got the groceries put away I went out and laid on the lounge chair in the sun. All 3 dogs were with me, either under the chair or standing on it biting my pony tail. One guess who that was. We got stuff to make dinner but it was too late and the chicken was still frozen so we had crack and cheese out of a box. No Olivia, not the powdered cheese, the squeeze cheese, imposter crack and cheese.

On Monday Frito came home, she was on the 6 PM ferry. I was a little beside myself waiting to go pick her up, so much so that I didn’t get dressed until 4:21 PM. If you asked me what I did that day I couldn’t tell you besides wash and dry all the dishes and clean out the bottom of the pantry. Other than that, a big fat NADA!

We left way too early to pick her up. The ferry terminal was empty but by the time I saw the boat making it’s way to the dock the place was swarming. I started crying when I saw the boat, all I could think about was what poor Frito has been through in the last few weeks.

Here comes Frito

It was a tough life for sure and she is a fighter. They started unloading suitcases and cargo immediately so we went out to the cargo dock. Bill stood in what was supposed to be a line but was more like a quagmire of people pushing their way to the front. I stood at the entrance where they brought out the cargo and waited. And waited. They brought out 2 dogs in wire kennels but no Frito. I was starting to get panicky when Bill said he saw her crate. They pushed her out on a cart and I could see her little ears sticking up and that only made me cry more. Finally they brought her over, I signed the papers and we were on our way. I just wanted to hold her and kiss the poor pup. We came right home and brought her upstairs. I gave her yogurt while I was heating up some chicken and rice for her. During that short time she got up and ate the cat food. Emmy was pissed, she doesn’t share well.

This is the Hi-Tech tag that was on her crate.
This was taped to her collar, best translation is cut off the leg.
First photo once we got her home
She loves Emmys’ water fountain and her food

Frito slept in her comfy pillow lined crate in our bedroom. She didn’t make a sound all night. I gave her the antibiotics wrapped in pepperoni and she never knew there was a pill inside. I brought Lola in but Frito growled at her and Lola split. She’s not much for doing anything unless Highway is with her. Bill carried Frito outside to go potty and she did soon as she got on the grass. She is so much more trained than Lola..

Tuesday I had Bill put her crate on the covered carport. It was a gorgeous day with a nice strong breeze and I thought it would be good for her to be outside and smell all the smells around her. I sat outside with her most of the day, we walked around often. While she was resting I kept rubbing her belly and loving on her. When she sees us or hears our voice her tail goes crazy. She ate 4 good meals yesterday and started getting up on her own and walking around. Last night when Bill got home we changed her bandage. I am amazed at how good her incision looks.

Using the desk for the school as our bandage changing table

It’s nice and clean, no redness or swelling, Doc did a great job on her. I’ve been messaging the vets who I volunteered with here at the vet clinic with any questions I have about Frito and they have been fabulous responding.

She has an insatiable appetite, I imagine starving for awhile will do that to you.
Pet me, rub my belly, kiss my nose
She loves to eat. This was dog food and mac and cheese.

The group that I volunteered with is called Helping Paws Across Borders.  They are a legitimate 501C. They treated 597 animals while they were here. That is 597 animals that would not have had health care had the vets not been in town. They also brought toys, coloring books, crayons and shoes for many kids. If you are interested in helping fund their next trip here in July, you can do it easily and securely here. I look forward to working with this group again. Remember, what they do is all voluntary. They pay their own way here and work for free in less than perfect conditions and they do it with a huge smile on their face because they LOVE what they do.

Once again the link to their site is:

I am volunteering at Cattleya again today for an Easter art project and then working as a greeter at the airport on Saturday. With the time change flights arrive earlier so we have to be there by 10, work until after 4 PM. There is a huge music festival on Saturday that once again we won’t be going to. After standing for 6 hours straight my feet will be soaking in Epsom Salts again shortly after I get home. Plus there is Frito to look after.

I’ll leave you with this fabulous photo taken by my friends daughter, Emily Power. Emily, her husband and 4 gorgeous kids live in California and their neighbor has peacocks. One of them, Joe, regularly walks in their house (door is always open) and wanders around. I don’t know if this photo is of Joe’s glorious plumage or another peacock but it is quite spectacular!! Thanks Emily!



Oops, I did it again.

03/13/2015 Two boys always come for wood because they know Bill saves all his non-treated lumber for them. Their mommas burn it to cook the food in the wood “stove” or over a plain old fire. The last time they made a mess and left stuff on the driveway and helped themselves to coconuts. We are more than happy to keep giving them wood and allowing them to cut the branches that break and the stuff laying on the ground but they must, in the process, learn respect for other peoples property. This is a value sadly lacking in Central America. Today Miguel was here and he told them in Spanish, no more messes, there can be nothing on the driveway, nothing AND, if they want a coconut they must ask first. If they don’t and they take it without asking permission, that’s stealing. We will always give them coconuts, when they ask. When Bill and Miguel were talking to them Miguel was explaining about them leaving a mess on the driveway, immediately one of the 2 boys pointed to the little one and said HE DID IT!
On my way into Eldon’s grocery looking for an apple corer (hahaha, jokes on me) I saw this car parked in the lot. The photo speaks for itself. You can’t make this shit up.
Yes friends, that is your brand new bumper made out of STYROFOAM. Don’t be all jealous and hateful because you don’t have one, they are relatively inexpensive as long as you don’t have to buy the TV that the foam was around.
I freaking love this island.
The TOMS shoe delivery has begun. On Monday I went with my friends Nidia and Abraham and many other volunteers to begin fitting 2300 of the island kids with shoes. Some of these kids had on socks so big there was 3″ of extra sock stuffed in the toes of their shoes. Many had no socks or else their socks had tops but no bottoms. One little boy was so excited about his new shoes he hugged me. Today was the first day, they will deliver the rest of the week. TOMS is very explicit about who gets shoes, there are names on lists and those kids MUST be in school. It’s very organized and specific, not just random shoe give aways. I applaud TOMS shoes for what they do for poor children all over the world. I actually got to meet the young girl who wrote to TOMS and asked for them to distribute shoes in Honduras. Many of the volunteers are children that were raised in an orphanage on the mainland and they travel around and fit kids with shoes.
First stop, Oak Ridge. From there we split into 4 groups and went to different schools. I went with Abraham and Addy and Sarah out to Pandytown.
They love cameras
cute boys
Her hair was all in neat little pony tails
They saw sports equipment in my car
mass pandemonium
lining up waiting for shoes
TOMS rocks
This was in Pandytown where we fit shoes.
despite the fact it’s lethal, it’s still in use
Teachers desk and chair
Fitting shoes
There were ceiling fans but none of them worked. Of course.
This was my first hug.
Wall with hole clear through it
Then we were off to Punta Gorda. This was a big school.
The school yard. All of the schools have pulperias, little stores that sell candy and chips, not a healthy thing in them.
shoes shoes shoes
My friend Sarah, she also writes for Women Who Live on Rocks
This was a school near our house, up on the hill.
Addy from Canada
Desk graveyard
so adorable
we fit these shoes outside..

This was the last stop for the day. The next morning we met at Punta Gorda and some of us split off and went to Jonesville. This school is W A Y up on a hill and it’s a really huge school. They even have a computer room with computers in it. Three levels of classrooms and a huge open area on the lower level.

On the way to Jonesville
shoe tree
Abandoned buildings on school grounds
Walkway up to school
rickety stairs
Jonesville school
I was amazed at the bathrooms, damn near civilized. So much more than most of the schools.
view from 3rd floor of school
the line up
Back to Punta Gorda for lunch
view from restaurant
Right alongside the road
Milton Bight
Many mothers bring their babies and hang out at the school while their kids are there.
waiting for shoes
names on the wall
silhouette of 2 kids outside the room
This was the last school for the day in Las Fuertes. Nidia asked if I wanted to skip it because it’s pretty far past my house. I said, “no, I’ll go there too.”
We got the desks set up and then they decided to use benches so we moved the desks outside.

In the process of moving the desks out on the open area I saw a dog limping across the schoolyard. I thought she just had a limp until she got closer and I saw the open wound on her paw. She was trying to get up in a trash can looking for food. I had some cheese in my lunch bag so I fed it to her, she damn near bit me she was so hungry. I was freaking out so I called Bill and my first words were, “there is a dog here and I’m taking her.” I went to the store and got a bag of Fritos to lure her closer to me. Two little girls were helping me. I handed the one the bag of chips and my keys and scooped the dog up and put her in the back of my car. I called Bethany, the vets assistant and told her what was going on, She said to come at 7:30 the next day.

I honestly think I went to that school for a reason, to find Frito and help her. Another time I was in the right place at the right time. Just like being behind the truck that hit Highway.

When I got home I fed her and offered her water. She ate all of her food and chowed down some yogurt. Her paw was a mess, it was swollen 3 times the size it should be and was a huge open wound with the bone sticking out. Our friend Cleo brought some old clean sheets and a pillow and I made her a bed in a large dog crate. We fed her again and carried her to go potty but she didn’t go. I gave her some chicken broth just to get liquid in her and she drank all of that. I have never seen a dog so dirty or flea infested, she was way worse than Lola. We penned her in the crate all night so nothing would bother her. She was quiet as a mouse. I decided to name her Frito, since I fed her some so I could snatch her. The next morning we took her to the vets. She was sitting up in the back of the car looking out. Doc sedated her and then tried as hard as he could to push the bone back in but he couldn’t get it to go. After further inspection he realized that the bone itself was infected and that she needed an amputation. I knew all along that was going to happen but prayed there would be a better outcome. Later that day Bill and I took her down to the ferry and sent her over to Le Ceiba to the doctor’s clinic. She was picked up by another vet there. They were to do the surgery the next morning but it didn’t happen. She had to have several baths to get her clean and they had to get the room sterilized. They were operating this morning (Friday.) I was headed to the therapist for my arm and was going to Umbul Umbul on the way. I cried the whole way from the ferry to the store. Just sobbed. All I have been able to think about is Frito and how scared she must be and how much pain she may be in. I know this is the best thing for her and that she will live a good life when she comes home because I am going to spoil the hell out of her.

So yes, we will have 4 dogs and a cat. I am that person.

My new girl, Frito.
This is her happily stoned on her way to the ferry.

She is to come home on the ferry on Monday. I can’t wait.

And then there is this one.

She jumps up on the new plastic table we got (because she was chewing on the good one) and looks in the window at me.
I slid the screen open and she crawled in and stood on my laptop.

Because Lola can jump up on the table I have DOG NOSE ART on my house windows,

She is getting big and she is STILL PEEING!!!

We are finishing the painting in the guest condo. Alexi cleaned window tracks and Bill made a single bed frame today that Alexi will paint. My cleaning gal comes next week and then I can decorate and get ready for our guests who arrive in 2 weeks. I can’t wait!!!

Happy weekend  everyone!





You can visit but you can’t leave


03/06/2015 I arrived at the Roatan airport a little after 11 last Saturday morning. The crowds were unlike anything I’ve recently seen there. I was told that United ticketing computers were down, all over, not just Roa. They were checking people in by hand and it was taking a LOOOONG time. I saw some people waiting almost 1.5 hours to get their boarding pass, then they had to wait to pay their exit fee if it wasn’t already included in their ticket. Yowsa. We did crowd control, telling everyone what was happening, assuring them they would NOT miss their flight off the island. It’s walking a fine line trying to keep the economy passengers out of the First/Premier line. Even though that line was shorter we couldn’t put other people in it, it’s not fair to the people who paid higher prices for the convenience of no lines. Add to that problem the Delta issue. That plane was to land at noon and take off around 1:30 back to Atlanta. It was late to leave the gate in ATL and then had to make an emergency landing in Tampa where it was delayed even longer. At 4:15 PM it still had not landed and wasn’t due to land until 7:05. There was a plane full of people waiting to leave Roa on that flight. A few people asked me if this was how the island makes more money, by stranding the tourists. They can come but they can’t go home. I saw a family in the main part of the lobby with 2 big dogs and dog crates, they didn’t want to go through security until they knew the flight was ready to leave because of how long the dogs would be caged. I left for home around 4;45 and never heard the Delta flight land but I did hear it leave Roatan at 8:40 P.M. {while I was sitting on the bathroom counter soaking my aching feet in Epsom Salts and drinking wine.} Daine, Milesse and Monique went to dinner and then went back to the airport and welcomed that flight when it arrived. I was in bed by 9 PM.

On Sunday Nancy and Chuck were coming for an early dinner. Once again Bill was making his pizza from scratch. They came over around 3:30 and hung out until well after dark. We had a great time visiting with them. Nancy brought some margarita’s but I did not allow one tiny drop of it to touch my lips. I might be dumb blonde and old but I’ll never forget a hangover from hell.

Monday found me back at the Physiotherapist’s office for another treatment. I’m not sure why but I seem to be regressing. My arm and shoulder hurt more now than they did after the first session. I was to go back this week but have not had the time.

We have B A N A N A S (thinking of Gwen Stefani when I type BANANAS) growing on our hill. Finally. The tree was planted a year ago and is producing fruit for the first time!

My new job may be selling BANANAS down at the end of the driveway. I possibly could make $2.00 a day.

There is a Ladies Lunch group that meets monthly for lunch at different restaurants all over the island. I rarely go because it’s really not my thing but I went this time for a few reasons.

#1. It was at a new Italian restaurant that I wanted to try because, well, I’m Italian.

#2. It was across the street from Umbul Umbul, my favorite store where there is always something I want/need.

I was thoroughly disappointed in the service and the meal, just not a fun experience except for meeting new friends and seeing old ones. The pasta reminded me of Play Dough. Not good. I’m not naming the place because they recently just opened and maybe they need more time to get their shit together.

Highlight of the day, I FINALLY got to meet my friend Amanda Walkins. She is as cute, if not cuter in person than in her photos! They always have raffle drawings at the luncheon and I won a free pizza from the restaurant we had lunch at. It was only good for a month and there is no way Bill and I will drive 45 minutes for a pizza when he makes killer ones right here at home, so I gave it to Amanda.

On Wednesday I was back at the vet clinic in Oak Ridge. They were supposed to do the last 3 days in Punta Gorda but their reception there was not as it should be so they moved it back to Oak Ridge. I got there around 11:30. It wasn’t super busy right then but Kathy kept making runs in her truck to pick up dogs from outlying areas. One man came in with his dog that had been attacked by 3 other dogs. She was a mess. She had been seen by a vet but needed more medical care than what she was given. Several of the vets worked on her, got her medicated and cleaned up her wounds. They made sure she was comfortable before she went home.

Kathy’s pet taxi
The big dog is so skinny you can count his ribs
I’m a sucker for puppies
Love his face. This is my friend Brendas dog’s brother. Her dog is 4 times the size of this guy.
Brenda was having a hard time with her dogs brother. She wanted to take him home and feed him.
The majority of these dogs come in with chains or ropes around their neck. I even saw one with an extension cord around the neck. They all leave with a collar and a leash and flea and tick meds, heart worm meds and worm meds are given as are routine shots.
Surgery room
A girl and her dogs. The scruffy one has TVT and had to have surgery for that along with neutering. TVT is very prevalent on the island, 70% of dogs are carriers and if not treated, the dog will die. TVT is Transmissible Venereal Tumor. It’s very similar to aids in humans. Maybe Mother Natures way of controlling the number of dogs in the world but the dogs that get it will die a painful death if not treated with surgery and chemotherapy. Most people can’t afford to spay their animals let alone pay for surgery and chemo.

Brenda and I did our damnest to talk people into neutering/spaying their dogs. Most of the females got fixed but the men act like it’s them getting snipped and not the dog. Many times they would say it wasn’t their dog so we would give them our phone to call the owner and tell them they needed to “fix” their dog. Sometimes we were successful, most times we were not. Next time I am printing some of these signs.


The founder of Helping Paws Across Borders, Angie Cherry, in the green scrubs.
The dogs laying on the ground are recovering from surgery.
A one week old puppy. It’s eyes were not even open. The mother dog won’t feed it. I assume she is starving herself and has no milk for the puppy. The owners are trying to feed it with a dropper but I doubt this little guy will live.
skin and bones
Poor guy
Nice leash

When I was working at the Police station in Oak Ridge last year I met a sweet lady who was there helping out. We talked while we were working and when I left I gave her a big hug. On Wednesday I checked in a lady by the name of Soila, she brought her dog Pauna to be spayed. Pauna was healthy and well fed. Soon after I checked her in I realized who she was. I said you’re the lady I worked with at the Police station and she said she knew that she had met me before. I ended up taking her and her dog and a man and his daughter and their 2 dogs home to Lucy Point. Sweet sweet lady, so happy I finally know her name.

I was exhausted when I got home and filthy dirty. The shower and a glass of wine were screaming my name. I told Kathy I would be back the next day at the same time. I wanted to make something for the vets to have to eat so I made a quick run to the store Thursday morning. When I got to the clinic it was pretty quiet but it picked up again after lunch. For dessert for the vets I sliced up apples, spread peanut butter on them and dipped them in granola and chocolate chips. MMM Yummy! They ate them all!

Cute puppies who had fabulous PUPPY BREATH
This dog was gorgeous, would have taken him home too.
Doing a spay/neuter
recovery room like none you’ve seen before
These vets worked non-stop
This was the prep area where the dogs were taken before surgery to get knocked out and shaved if needed.
They all are related
These two were adorable, very similar to the ones the day before.
This is Fire. He belongs to the Bomberos (fire department.) He was getting snipped. The guys didn’t come back until late in the afternoon for him. I had already decided if they didn’t return, he was mine. I was mad when I saw them come back for him.

So Lola is not only still T.U.Q. [The Urine Queen] she is also freaking JAWS. She started chewing on my nice patio furniture chairs and table. I sprayed them with vinegar, that didn’t help. I added hot sauce to the vinegar and by damn, she has a taste for hot sauce. I did the only logical thing I could do. I tied her mouth closed with duct tape. I love that stuff. Just kidding. We brought the nice furniture that she chewed up inside and we now have a white plastic table on the porch. It looks like hell and she may chew the legs off it. Who knows? The other morning I had her out twice to go potty. Neither time worked, not even a tinkle or a drop. However, right before I left she did a “screw you” pee right in front of the back door. I went outside, picked her up and carried her downstairs to the potty area. I have a 20′ leash down there tied around a pole and I fastened her on there, gave her water and left. She had shade, a place to potty and water. Bill thought he would be home around 3 so I figured a few hours down there wouldn’t hurt her. Well, he was later than he thought he would be and I was at the clinic until after 5. We had a torrential rain storm come through here and I was freaking out about Lola being down there. When Bill came home he went to look for her. She wasn’t where I left her. WTH??

Of course she wan’t down there. She gnawed through the leash and was happily cavorting with her man Highway on the porch again. She may be the reason I never own a dog again.

Emmy is rather thrilled that the patio furniture is inside, she is digging her new spot.

She will be confused once this gets moved downstairs into the guest condo.

Speaking of guest condo. Ughfreakingugh. This is what it looks like mid paint job. I have guests coming the 26th. I am working next week helping to deliver 2300 pairs of TOM’s shoes to needy kids. This may just put me over the edge.

View from bedroom to living room. No, the fridge normally doesn’t sit in the middle of the kitchen.
Back bedroom
The new color looks good
New bedroom behind wall that hasn’t been painted yet on the left
only 3 weeks
Bill the Tool Man Crofutt has a lot of tools to put away

The language barrier caused some walls to be painted blue when they weren’t supposed to be. Just a little pissed about that. We just ordered 2 more gallons of a light mandarin orange to finish off the downstairs and cover up some of the blue. We have 2 guys coming tomorrow to work and paint, please painting Gods, let this be finished tomorrow. Please.

One last photo that Connie took of Paola and I at Cattleya last Friday. I love this young girl, she is so special!

Janice on the right rear and Cynthia front right.

I have been extremely lazy and my house reflects my lack of initiative or interest in rectifying this situation. I mean, I hang up my clothes and still make the bed but the kitchen, sometimes it just gets out of control. Sometimes there are dishes stacked and it goes against the way I was raised. I was taught that the kitchen is always cleaned after dinner, everything put away, counters clean, the works. It’s not happening here much any more. The island in my kitchen is a pet peeve because it’s humongo and EVERYFREAKINGTHING gets put on it. Right now there are;

2 different kinds of NSAID’s for Highway and his joint (joint as in bone, not marijuana) issues

a rag with Clorox on it

a slingshot

my sunglasses

my water bottle

a screwdriver (my bad)

my recipe box

a wine cork that Bill needs

the hook part of the leash JAWS chewed

and I have 2 black handbags hanging on the same stool.

Well, that didn’t turn out quite like I thought it would, most of the crap is mine. I presume tomorrow will find me putting away all of the stuff I have so carelessly let lay on the island. My hope is that I get my act together and sort out my small little OCD brain and actually DO something around here. That is my hope.

We have deemed tomorrow a work day but come hell or high water, I will be either pool or beach side on Sunday!

Eclectic Twist

Design And Live Outside the Lines